www.efta-relates2025.com Relationships between people – families, work teams, communities, Nations – have undergone major changes in recent decades, also as a result or side-effect of cultural and scientific evolution. On the one hand, disciplines such as physics, medicine, psychology, environmental and social sciences have made decisive contributions to the advancement of our knowledge. Distant galaxies […]
XIV EFTA-TIC Meeting Systemic Training ans Supervision in a Multi-Challenged World: Reflections, Roan maps and Actions October 19th-20th, Lisbon, Portugal Host of the XIV EFTA-TIC Meeting was Sosiedade Portuguesa de Therapia Familiar – SPTF. EFTA-TIC particularly wishes to thank Ana Gomes, President of SPTF. Traditionally, the day before the Meeting, Pre Conference workshops were organized. […]
Program EFTA-TIC Meeting in Lisbon 2024 v.1 Book of Abstracts 14th MoT
A lively and warm atmosphere was created during the 13th EFTA-TIC Meeting of Trainers and Supervisors, in Athens from September 28th until October 1st, 2023. We were honored to have had Dr. Karl Tomm as Keynote, on the opening, talking about “Systemic Psychotherapy and Training: A Long Experiential Journey, with 300 participants (presential and online) […]
Program EFTA-TIC Meeting in Lisbon 2024 v.1 Book of Abstracts 14th MoT
Dear colleagues, The EFTA-TIC upcoming Conference will be held in Lisbon on the 19th and 20th October, 2024, under the title “Systemic Training and Supervision in a Multi-Challenging World. Reflections, Road Maps and Actions”. Trainers and Supervisors from European Countries will have the opportunity to come together, share and reflect about the contemporary challenges […]
Scientific Program for the 13th EFTA-TIC Meeting of Trainers, September 29th & 30th & October 1st, 2023. Pre-Conference Program , September 29th, 2023. Visit the Venue, School of Public Health of West Attica University
EFTA-TIC is the Training Institutes Chamber of the European Family Therapy Association
- EFTA-TIC is composed of 136 Institutes in 29 countries.
- The objective of TIC is to promote and develop the network of Training Institutes and trainers in systemic practice throughout Europe.
- It has developed a set of Minimum Training Standards for family therapists and supervisors and for training institutes.
- Two years out of every three EFTA-TIC organises a Trainers’ Meeting with the assistance of a local hosting Institute. The most recent one was in Timisoara, Romania, September 28th-30th, 2018.