14th EFTA-TIC Meeting of Trainers and Supervisors in Lisbon, Portugal

October 19th-20th, 2024


Dear colleagues,

The EFTA-TIC upcoming Conference will be held in Lisbon on the 19th and 20th October, 2024, under the title “Systemic Training and Supervision in a Multi-Challenging World. Reflections, Road Maps and Actions”.

Trainers and Supervisors from European Countries will have the opportunity to come together, share and reflect about the contemporary challenges that we are facing as humans “living on this Planet Earth”, and how to incorporate and consider them in our Systemic Trainings and Practices.

Artificial intelligence, violence and wars, climate changes, multicultural communities, migrants, refugees, (re)emerging political radical movements, and other crucial issues, will be incorporated in the scientific program to be thought and discussed between us!

EFTA-TIC invites all Trainers and Supervisors to join this meeting and share ideas, knowledge, and practices! Together we can make a difference!

The EFTA-TIC Board



Early Bird Registration deadline:  July 15th, 2024 – click here.
Abstract Submission deadline: July 30th, 2024 – click here.

Participation fees should be sent by bank transfer directly to:
BANK: ING Belgium
Account Holder Name: European Family Therapy Association AISBL
IBAN: BE02 3631 6580 2140
EFTA Address: rue du Clairon 30/6 – 5503 Sorinnes – Belgique
Please make sure that the name of your Institute appears on the payment and send the transfer slip by email to  /  
Submit your abstract and register.


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